news & trends

Sports Nutrition – top tips for athletes

running sports nutrition July 2016 flickr image
[Image source: Flickr]

The Rio Olympics are ON! We’re amazed at the commitment and performance of the athletes. You may know that sporting activities are enhanced by well-chosen nutrition strategies. Did you ever wonder what the top evidence-based nutrition tips are for athletes that help drive their best performance? Earlier this year, Dietitians of Canada published a summary of the latest scientific evidence in sports nutrition.[1] Whether you are a ‘weekend’ athlete or training for challenging events, here are our top tips that could help your performance be at its best.

Top tips for sports nutrition

  • Carboydrates are the key fuel for energy and eating them in balanced amounts is important to perform at your best. Studies show that during exercise that lasts longer than one hour eating carbohydrates increase endurance capacity which means you can cycle, run or play hockey longer and not run out of steam.
    Dietitians Tip: carbohydrate intake is not necessary if you exercise for less than 45 minutes. However, if you exercise with intensity for more than an hour but less than 2.5 hours in one duration, do consume about 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. Many athletes use sports drinks or gels to top up their carbs during performance. It’s important for athletes to identify a personal plan that best meets their individual needs for energy, hydration and stomach comfort.
  • Protein builds muscle and performance. Eating the right amount of protein at the right time has critical implications for athletes. There is strong evidence that among athletes and recreationally active adults, eating protein (examples are egg, milk, casein, whey, lean meat) within the first two hours after exercise will boost the body’s muscle building capacity.
    Dietitian’s Tip: to build muscle eat 0.25-0.3 g protein/kg body weight (equivalent to 15-25 g of protein for most athletes) within the first two hours after exercise and as part of meals every three to five hours. If you are interested in protein supplements, whey is best since it’s a fast absorbing high quality protein. Very high protein intakes (ex. more than 40 grams per meal) after exercise will not boost muscle building further.
  • Hydration is important because during exercise your body loses extra water through sweat and could become de-hydrated. In sweat your body also loses minerals such as sodium and some potassium, calcium, and magnesium.  Depending on the sport or exercise you do, you could lose anywhere from 0.3 to 2.4 L (about 1¼ to 10 cups) of sweat per hour! Dehydration places strain on your body and you could get over-heated tired and hurt your performance.  Be sure to top up on fluids when you’re feeling thirsty and look for signs of dehydration such as dizziness, headache and muscle cramps.  The ‘pee test’ is a good way to check your hydration before exercise.  Aim for urine that is a pale yellow colour.
    Dietitian’s Tip: To stay well hydrated plan strategies for your fluid management before, during, and after exercise.  For example, drink water throughout the day and before exercise, drink 1-2 cups of fluid. Studies show that during exercise beverages with added flavour or sports drinks (which have added flavour, carbohydrate and electrolytes like sodium and potassium), generally result greater consumption and therefore better maintenance of hydration during intense exercise than plain water.[2]
  • Registered Dietitians are the most trusted nutrition experts to help you with your personalized nutrition plan that’s needed for top performance.  If you would like help with your eating pattern, a Registered Dietitian can assess your diet and give you recommendations  ‘for the appropriate type, amount, and timing of intake of food, fluids, and supplements to promote your optimal health and performance across different scenarios of training and competitive sport.’  You can access the position paper on Nutrition and Athletic Performance at:

[1] Dietitians of Canada (2016) Nutrition for Athletic Performance,

[2] Dietitians of Canada (2014) Sports Hydration


Bridging the Gap between Nutrition Science and Culinary Arts

ambition nutrition June 2016

We recently attended the AMBITION NUTRITION conference  at George Brown College in Toronto where academic professionals, dietitians, culinary experts, and industry leaders joined for an interactive day to examine the gaps and opportunities that exist between research, education, nutrition, diet, and culinary arts. Here are some of the top insights posted on twitter by thought leaders at #AmbitionNutrition…

  • “Public is confused about #nutrition says @Dmozaffarian” @SueMahRD
  • “@davidludwigmd advice is to replace highly processed casrbs we healthy fats #weightloss” by @SueMahRD
  • “Lets fall in love with food again! @MichaelMossC” by @SueMahRD
  • “Nutrition is emotional & personal – 1 person 1 meal at a time struggle” by @LuciaWeilerRD
  • “Food is #1 cause of poor health in the world-yet NOT on e-health record-pay more attention 2 diet 4 health @Dmozaffarian” by ‏@LuciaWeilerRD
  • “Diet quality is the driving force behind obesity” @Dmozaffarian by @JenniferSygo
  •  “Eat less and move more” advice (is too simple and) does not work!…” by‏ @JarRraSummer
  •  “Let’s not vilify foods & stop focusing on the bad ~ let’s flip this & add more good “back to basics” food to our day.” ‏@MairlynSmith
  • “Your diet is like dating. You have to get to know your diet or it will never last.” @DougMcNish
  • “It’s not the “bad” in the diet that causes problems. It’s too little of the “good” – Eat veg fish beans @Dmozaffarian” ‏@CaraRosenbloom
  • “It is all about the quality of your diet not calories in/out when it comes to wt loss & risk of disease @Dmozaffarian” by @ShaunaLindzonRD
  • “Villifying any food may be the gateway to orthorexia @JennSygo” by ‏@TrishBitesLife
  • “Creating a healthy and positive food environment has to come from the policy level, not the individual level.” @ConfessionsRD
  • “Good point re: menu labelling – may cause people to choose lower cal options regardless of their quality @Dmozaffarian” ‏by @chelseaallenrd
  • “Cilantro haters is not your fault! Blame the Soapy taste on your genes!” @elsohemy by @LuciaWeilerRD
  • “ Chefs make nutrition recos come to life! Dietitian says pick your fave veg oil!” by @LuciaWeilerRD





Health Canada announces three new health claims

Health pic from Sue June 1, 2016

In May 2016, Health Canada announced three new health claims:

1. EPA & DHA and blood Triglyceride Lowering

2. & 3. Polysaccharide Complex (Glucomannan, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Alginate) and Blood Cholesterol Lowering and Reduction of the Post-Prandial Blood Glucose Response

Foods containing the healthy fats EPA and DHA (0.5 g combined) may now carry a new health claim stating their potential triglyceride-lowering benefits. For example, a permitted claim might read, “85 g (1/2 cup) of canned pink salmon supplies 40% of the daily amount of omega-3 EPA and DHA shown to help lower triglycerides.”

Aside from that primary statement, appropriate products can also carry the additional statement “EPA and DHA help reduce/lower triglycerides,” Read the detailed info here.

The food ingredient that is the subject of two new health claims is a soluble and viscous dietary fibre (polysaccharide complex of glucomannan, xanthan gum, sodium alginate) sold under the brand name PGX® (PolyGlycopleX®). Researchers studied the carbohydrate quality of foods with PGX using the glycemic response, glycemic index. The benefits of added fibre in the form of PGX helped help lower blood cholesterol and moderate the blood sugar rise after a meal. Sample claim: “The consumption of the 5 g of PGX® provided with 1 cup (30 g) of cereal helps reduce blood glucose rise after a meal containing carbohydrates.”
The summary of assessment is available online.

Please feel free to contact us with your questions on food labelling and claims.

FDA introduces new Nutrition Facts Table

The Nutrition Facts Table (NFT) in the USA is over 20 years old. On May 20, 2016, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) introduced the new label to help consumers south of our border make informed choices about the food they buy and eat.

NFT old versus new 2016 v2

Here’s a brief summary of the key changes that will take effect by July 2018 on USA food labels:

1. Serving size and servings per container – are now highlighted in larger font and/or bold. Serving sizes have been updated.
LIKE: This underscores the importance of portion sizes.
DISLIKE: The serving sizes are based on the amounts of food and beverages that people are actually eating, not on the amounts that they should be eating. For example, the serving size of ice cream was previously ½ cup but is changing to 2/3 cup.

2. Calories – are now highlighted in extra large font (how can you miss it?)
LIKE: With a global obesity crisis, calories have become the simple currency of weight. We tend to underestimate the calories that we consume.
BUT…Calories does not tell the whole story. Remember to look at the bigger picture of nutrient density and food quality. A Greek yogurt parfait with nuts and fruit may have more calories that a donut – but which is the healthier choice?

3. Calories from fat – have been removed
LIKE: We know that the quality and type of fat is more important that the amount of fat.

4. Added sugars – makes a debut on the new USA NFT. The %DV (% Daily Value) is set at 50 grams.
LIKE: Consumers are hearing more about sugar and health. According to the FDA, research shows that it is difficult to meet nutrient needs while staying within caloric limits if you consume more than 10% of your total calories from added sugars. Disclosing the amount of added sugars on the label will help consumers better distinguish between the natural sugars versus the added sugars in the food.

5. Vitamin D and potassium
– are required to be declared on the USA NFT, along with calcium and iron. For each of these, both the actual amount and the %DV amount are listed. Vitamins A and C are no longer mandatory, and can be listed on a voluntary basis.
LIKE: Since many of us are probably not getting enough Vitamin D, potassium, calcium and iron, these nutrients are of public health significance.

6. Footnote – is added to help put the %DV into context for consumers.
LIKE: The %DV is an easy way for consumers to determine whether the food has a little (less than 5% DV) or a lot (15% DV or more) of a nutrient.

The real question now is – will Health Canada follow suit with our NFT?
We’ll keep you posted as it happens!

Our 6-point checklist for spotting the REAL & Healthy Mediterranean-style diet

eggplant 1

May was International Mediterranean Diet Month and the perfect time to explore the secrets of a diet-lifestyle that is connected to many health benefits including increased quality of life and lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. In our work and travels, we found many people were mixed up about what is the REAL Mediterranean-style diet. Fix the mix-up with our 6-point checklist.

Tasty Italian food such as pizza, pasta (which we love to enjoy from time to time as well) is not the real pattern of a healthy Mediterranean-style diet. The healthy Mediterranean diet is the traditional eating pattern of those who live along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a culturally diverse region with over 20 countries including Italy, Greece, Spain, France, and North African countries. This classic Mediterranean-style of eating was one of the three approaches for healthy eating recommended by the latest USDA Dietary Guidelines. Here is our 6-point checklist to recognize a Healthy Mediterranean-style diet that is based on nutrient dense, quality food.

  1. Plant based, using vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.
  2. Olive oil (which is high in monounsaturated fat) is a key ingredient
  3. Moderate fish / meat consumption
  4. Flavour boost from lemon, garlic, herbs, cheese, yogurt
  5. Wine with meals in low to moderate amounts
  6. Food and meals are enjoyed in the company of family, friends or community

Interested in learning more about the Mediterranean-style diet? Contact us for tips from our culinary travels and recipe collections. For starters try this “Memories of Italy” healthy snack: sliced pears topped with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese chunks and walnuts, drizzled with aged traditional balsamic vinegar (not the popular store variety).


Senate Report on Obesity


Almost 2/3 of adults and 1/3 of kids are overweight or obese. The obesity crisis is a complex issue. What can be done?

In their report Obesity in Canada released earlier this month, the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology made 21 recommendations to chart a course for a leaner, healthier future. Here are some of the key recommendations which are generating a healthy discussion:

– The federal government assess the options for taxation levers with a view to implementing a new tax on sugar-sweetened as well as artificially-sweetened beverages.
– The Minister of Health:

  • immediately undertake a complete revision of Canada’s food guide in order that it better reflect the current state of scientific evidence.
  • reassess the daily value applied to total carbohydrates based on emerging evidence regarding dietary fat and the fat promoting nature of carbohydrates and require that the daily intake value for protein be included in the Nutrition Facts table.
  • assess whether sugar and starch should be combined under the heading of total carbohydrate within the Nutrition Facts table and report back to this committee by December 2016.
  • encourage nutrition labelling on menus and menu boards in food service establishments.

    Obesity is a multi-factorial issue with no easy solution. Join in our upcoming Nutrition for NON-Nutritionists course (April 20, 2016) to get our in-depth POV on these recommendations and issues, or contact us to discuss how these recommendations will impact your business innovations and communications.

  • Is Your Workplace a 4STAR Eating Environment?

    Four star food environment
    Four star food environment - stars

    According to a poll by Ipsos Reid, 45% of Canadians say that eating healthy meals and snacks while at work is challenging. A new healthy eating program called 4STAR offers a free tool kit to help improve food and nutrition choices in the workplace.

    The 4STAR program aims to improve employee health and productivity, reduce costs and absenteeism associated with diet-related illness, and improve overall organizational performance. The concept and resources of the 4STAR program were led by Dr. Norm Campbell, who is Chair in Hypertension Prevention and Control Initiative, funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada in partnership with the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health.

    4STAR is built on the S-T-A-R principles which stand for:
    – Staff-led policies – staff engagement and leadership is critical for the success of any workplace program
    – Targeted, realistic improvements over time – with the aim to ensure that healthier food is available at the workplace for the long term
    – Accessibility of healthy foods and beverages options – improved access to fresh fruits and veggies and reduced reliance on processed foods
    – Reinforcement through promotional activities, communications and training – to help employees support and embrace the changes in the food environment

    A workplace healthy eating program is a process, not an occurrence. Some of the known challenges of implementing such a program include inconsistent definitions of “healthy food”, large portions sizes and the fact that a positive food environment must be supported with employee education for successful behaviour change.

    Not only does a healthy eating program improve employee health and productivity, but it also makes dollars and sense. As part of a workplace wellness program, a healthy eating program can save businesses up to four dollars for every one dollar invested.

    Here’s what you can do to create a healthy food environment in your workplace:
    – Start by taking the 4STAR quiz about healthy eating in your workplace
    – Check out the resources from the 4STAR tool kit
    Contact us! Dietitian-led workplace wellness initiatives have been shown to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 60%, lower heart disease risk by lowering blood pressure, and improve healthy eating behaviours like increasing vegetable, fruit and fibre intake. With our experience in workplace wellness programs and healthy eating campaigns, we can help you at all stages from program planning to implementation and evaluation. Our team building workshops and seminars will complement your workplace policies to improve the health and well-being of your employees.

    Excise tax recommended on sugar-sweetened beverages

    DC sugar tax position paper - 2

    On February 9th, the Dietitians of Canada released a position paper recommending that an excise tax of at least 10-20% be applied to sugar-sweetened beverages sold in Canada. Sugar-sweetened beverages are defined as soft drinks/pop, fruit drinks, sports drinks, tea and coffee drinks, energy drinks, sweetened milks/milk alternatives, and any other beverages to which sugar has been added.

    According to the position paper, there is moderate evidence linking consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages to excess weight, obesity, and chronic disease in children and adults. An excise tax, unlike a sales tax, is levied before the point of purchase so that the price of the product itself will be higher. Since price is a major factor influencing food choices, it is thought that the excise tax will deter Canadians from purchasing sugar-sweetened beverages and lead to an overall lower consumption of them.

    For the greatest impact, the Dietitians of Canada suggest that the taxation measures be combined with other policy interventions such as increasing access to healthy foods while decreasing access to unhealthy foods in schools, daycares, and recreation facilities; restrictions on the marketing of foods and beverages to children; and effective, long-term educational initiatives.

    Sugar and sugar taxes are definitely hot nutrition issues. How do these issues affect your personal and business lives? We’ll share our insights and additional research at our upcoming Nutrition for NON-Nutritionists annual course – join us and be a part of the discussion!

    Spotlight on Metabolic Syndrome – Highlights from the Canadian Nutrition Society Conference

    CNS 2016 conf snag it cropped 4

    Metabolic Syndrome is a dangerous health condition affecting 1 in 5 Canadians. Despite it’s prevalence, little is known about metabolic syndrome. At the Canadian Nutrition Society’s 2016 Conference, experts shed light on this growing public health crisis.

    Metabolic Syndrome was only identified about 20 years ago and is not a disease itself but a group of health conditions that includes high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood cholesterol levels, and excess abdominal fat. People with metabolic syndrome are also more likely to have chronic inflammation, another sign of health in danger.

    Lucia & Penny K-E CNS lowe resolution

    Lucia Weiler, RD & Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, distinguished Professor of Nutrition

    Here are the key takeaway messages from the conference:

    • Dr Penny Kris-Etherton, Pennsylvania State University shared, “The power of a healthy diet is remarkable in lowering metabolic syndrome risk.” A high quality diet that especially includes more fruit and vegetable intake reduces risk of metabolic syndrome. Best results are achieved with concurrent weight loss, but changing to a healthy diet improves metabolic syndrome even without weight loss.
    • Dr. Wendy Ward, Brock University explained that diabetes weakens bone structure and increases the risk of bone fractures in people with metabolic syndrome.
    • Gut bacteria contribute to positive health. Dr Comelli, University of Toronto recommended we should aim to have a diverse gut microbiome that resembles a diverse rainforest not a barren desert.
    • Dr. Angelo Tremblay, Laval University agreed and stated that “Yogurt is the best player of the dairy food team” because it is nutrient dense and provides probiotics to boost good gut bacteria.
    • Dr. Benoit Lamarche, Laval University reviewed the new research on saturated fatty acids and its impact on heart disease. He stressed the importance to identify the source of dietary saturated fat and to advise individuals to enjoy whole, unprocessed foods more often to help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Lamarche praised the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s position statement on Saturated Fat, Heart Disease and Stroke.
    • Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy, University of Toronto and the father of clinical nutrition in Canada introduced a Metabolic Syndrome CHANGE program and offered these 3 tips for for dietary change:
      1. Advise people they have Metabolic Syndrome
      2. Explain to them it is a life threatening condition
      3. Engage patients and provide them with personalized tools for change best suited to them
    • Finally, Jennifer Sygo, Registered Dietitian closed the conference by sharing practical tips for helping clients make meaningful nutirition and lifestyle changes to achieve their personal health goals. There is no magic diet – rather, the best diet for weight loss is the one that works for you and you can stick to it. Dietitians provide credible, evidence-based information, and translate the science into the context of the whole diet for consumers to understand.

    2016 is the International Year of Pulses!

    Sue Lucia Chef Michael Smith Pulse Feast sign

    You know the food is going to be WOW when Chef Michael Smith is at the party! From Chickpea Stuffed Crepes to Seared Scallops with Red Lentil Risotto, we were delighted to celebrate International Year of Pulses with the celebrity chef, foodies and farmers.

    Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family, and include dried beans, dried peas, chickpeas and lentils. The United Nations has declared 2016 as International Year of Pulses (IYP). As Ambassador for Canada’s IYP, Smith praises pules for their nutrition, versatility, sustainability and affordability. And did we mention that they taste great?!

    chick pea crepe lentil scallop
    [Left: Indian chickpea stuffed crepe with curry chicken salad, golden raisins and cashews
    Right: Pan seared scallops with red lentil risotto, smoked bacon and salsa verde]

    Take the Pulse Pledge and commit to eating pulses at least once a week for 10 weeks. Here’s a fantastic recipe to get you started!

    PULSE TACOS (courtesy of Chef Michael Smith, 2015)
    These meatless tacos are stuffed with so much sunny southwestern flavour that no one will notice anything missing.
    Makes 12 tacos, Serves 4 to 6
    Pulse Tacos snagit

    For the pulse filling
    2 tablespoons (30 mL) of canola oil
    2 onions, thinly sliced
    6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
    1 heaping tablespoon (18 mL) of chili powder
    1 teaspoon (5 mL) of ground cumin
    1 cup (250 mL) of green lentils
    A 19-ounce (540 mL) can of your favourite beans or chickpeas, rinsed and drained
    2 cups (500 mL) of water
    1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) of salt
    1/2 teaspoon (2 mL) of your favourite hot sauce

    For the taco toppings
    A head of Bibb or iceberg lettuce
    12 hard taco shells
    A few handfuls of grated cheddar or taco blend cheese
    Your favourite salsa
    A large bunch of fresh cilantro
    2 limes, cut into wedges

    Make the lentil bean filling. Splash the canola oil into a large skillet or sauté pan over medium-high heat. Toss in the onions, garlic, chili powder, and cumin. Sauté until the vegetables soften and the spice flavours brighten, 3 or 4 minutes. Stir in the lentils, beans, water, and salt. Bring the works to a slow, steady simmer. Cover tightly and continue slowly cooking until the lentils are tender, 35 minutes or so. Stir in the hot sauce.

    Assemble the tacos. Fit a full leaf of lettuce into a hard taco shell. This will hold the fillings in when the hard shell inevitably breaks. Fill each taco with a heaping spoonful of the lentil bean filling. Pack with cheese, salsa, and cilantro. Serve with the lime wedges and share!

    Fascinating food fact: There are 22,000 pulse farmers in Canada, primarily in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba. Our country is the world’s largest producer and exporter of peas and lentils.

    Everyday Super Food

    Sue Lucia Jamie Oliver bookICYMI, Jamie Oliver was in Toronto to launch his new TV show on Food Network Canada and his new cookbook Everyday Super Food. We were there at the TV show prescreening and had a chance to listen to Jamie’s thoughts on his latest cookbook.

    The uber chef and foodie, noted that his 40th birthday was the impetus behind this cookbook in which he has a section dedicate to nutrition healthy eating. With so many inspiring words of wisdom from Jamie, we just aren’t sure which one of these is our favourite!

    • “On cold, wet, rainy days, food can be a hug.”
    • “Access to freshly grown food is linked to longevity.”
    • “If you just pick up your shopping and get cooking, you’ll be in a beautiful place.”
    • “Food is there to be enjoyed, shared, and celebrated, and healthy, nourishing food should be colourful, delicious, and fun.”

    The Buzz on Sustainability

    Sustainability DFC event-1

    Sustainability is HOT! Food industry leaders are responding to this ever growing consumer trend and making sustainability a top business priority. Responsible consumption is everyone’s responsibility and it encompasses concerns for people’s nutrition/health, for the welfare of animals and crops, for our communities and the environment overall. Here’s a selection of sound bites that we and other thought leaders tweeted from national events on sustainability food waste.

    • Features of a #SustainableHealthyDiet: reduce overconsumption; maintain a healthy weight; limit consumption of nutrient-poor foods; reduce food waste; conserve water and energy in the kitchen.” (DFC symposium)
    • $31 billion of #FoodWaste in Canada 2014. 53% of food waste is from fruits n veggies. Yikes! (DFC symposium)
    • #ReduceFoodWaste by eating leftovers, meal-planning, preserving food.” (DFC symposium)
    • ReduceWaste! Eat what you buy – a family of 4 throws away over 120lbs of food a month!” (DFC symposium)
    • Some work to do: Canada wastes 40% of food post-purchase.” (DFC symposium)
    • Wasting less food is not only important from a sustainability standpoint but also for budgeting.” (Conference Board of Canada, Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. presentation)
    • Only “59 % of Canadians understand what organic food means” (Conference Board of Canada Report Card on Food)
    • Environmental footprint labelling is on the rise in grocery stores. Could this trend be here to stay?” (DFC symposium)
    • The food system of the future must be: nutrition sensitive; climate smart; secure the environment and our natural resources” (DFC symposium)
    • 5 top tips from 100 years ago that still apply today: (DFC symposium)
      • Buy it with thought
      • Cook it with care
      • Serve just enough
      • Save what will keep
      • Eat what would spoil

    Highlights from Grocery Innovations Canada 2015

    If you missed this year’s Grocery Innovations show in Toronto, don’t worry. We were there and we have all of the key highlights for you, starting with aloe water, protein water and locally grown quinoa. Here are our top 5 picks on what‘s trending!

    1. Water, water everywhere! From alkaline and aloe waters to boxed water and protein water, it’s clear that manufacturers are duking it out to quench Canadians’ thirst!

    FLOW alkaline waterAlkaline water –naturally alkaline water with a high pH. A 500 mL serving contains: 0 calories, 0 g fat, 4 mg sodium 0 g carbohydrates, 0 g protein, 4% DV for calcium. (Top 10 Most Innovative Products for 2015.)

    AloeWateAloe water – pulp free and sourced in North America. A 450 mL serving contains: 35 calories, o g fat, 0.015 mg sodium, 9 g carbohydrates, 8 g sugars, 0 g protein. (Made with aloe vera inner leaf powder, organic cane sugar, RebA stevia extract.)

    Boxed waterBoxed water – why, because as the package says, “Boxed water is better”. The package tells their story – 78% of the box is composed from trees. No nutrition facts information is shown on the box.

    Protein2OProtein2O – a protein enhanced water. A 500 mL serving contains: 70 calories, 0 g fat, 120 mg sodium, 70 mg potassium, 2 g carbohydrates, 0 g sugars, 15 g whey protein. (Made with sucralose.)

    2. Packaging with a story. Chios Gardens fruit juices uses the front of pack to highlight its fruity ingredients. The journey of the juice is featured on the back panel.

    Chios Gardens juice front  Chios Gardens juice back


    quinoa3. Locally-grown quinoa. Who knew this gluten-free grain could be grown right here in in Ontario? Available in 2016.

    Popcornveggie4. Pop Fusion Popcorn. Another local innovation. Popcorn is flavoured with a seasoning blend made from all of the veggies you see in the photo!

    5. Winners: Among the winners of the top 10 most innovative products this year were:

    • Coupgon App – no more having to cut out coupons!
    • Natural Delights Date Rolls – soft like a brownie with the sweetness of dates
    • Nordica Smooth Cottage Cheese – cottage cheese without the lumps!
    • Prema Chai Spiced Tea – a blend of black tea with spices
    • Tandoori Lasagna – why choose Indian versus Italian when you can have both!
    • Veggemo – a vegetable based beverage made from pea protein, tapioca and potato

    Veggies are Trending for Culinary Inspirations

    Pictured: Cohen’s Broccoli Dogs - grilled and smoked broccoli sautéed in broccoli oil, and served with a side of broccoli kraut and broccoli rabe chips.

    Pictured: Cohen’s Broccoli Dogs – grilled and smoked broccoli sautéed in broccoli oil, and served with a side of broccoli kraut and broccoli rabe chips.

    “Anyone can cook a hamburger, leave vegetables to the professionals.”

    That’s Amanda Cohen’s mantra. The Canadian born chef and owner of Dirt Candy restaurant in NYC is on to something with her vegetable inspired menu. Here are highlights from our interview with Cohen.

    Tell us a bit about yourself.

    Cohen: I was born in Ottawa but grew up in Toronto. I came to New York to go to NYU and never looked back. I wet to the Natural Gourmet Institute’s Chef’s Training Program and after that I worked in pretty much every single restaurant I could for about 10 years. I realized that no one was going to give me a chance to cook the kind of food I wanted to cook, so I opened the original Dirt Candy in 2008. It’s been going like gangbusters ever since.

    What inspired you to focus on vegetables only?

    Cohen: There are hundreds of steak houses, thousands of seafood restaurants, millions of hamburger restaurants, but Dirt Candy is the only restaurant that only focuses on vegetables. I’m not making vegetarian food, and I’m not making fish with a lot of vegetable sides. I’m cooking vegetables. I’m sitting here in my kitchen and running it like a lab, seeing how far I can push each vegetable and what kind of flavor I can get out of them. No one else is doing this, so for me, it’s like being in the Wild West. There are no rules, and no one telling me what I should do. I love it!

    What are vegetables so tricky to work with?

    Cohen: Vegetables are tricky because they have no fat…fat carries flavor, so you have to add [flavor] yourself. Also, vegetables have a high water content that you have to get rid of somehow when you cook them. And finally, vegetables have a uniform texture throughout and don’t have the different flavours and textures that say a big chunk of steak will have. To make vegetables taste good, you really have to work.

    Tell us about your Broccoli Dogs!

    Cohen: I spent three months trying to make them work before throwing everything out and starting from scratch, which took another four weeks. I experimented with 38 different doughs before finding the right one I use for the bun.

    Any plans to open a Dirt Candy in Canada sometime??

    Cohen: I wish!

    Saturated Fats and Processed Meats – Fact, Fiction or Controversy?

    WHO bacon headline

    Nutrition headlines never cease to draw interest and boost readership. After all, we are all food consumers and want to know what’s hot and what’s not. Read on for our commentary of the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s new advice for healthy eating and saturated fat, and the World Health Organization’s hot off the press research release on processed meat.

    A recent study published in the British Medical Journal questions the effect of saturated fat on heart disease. The study also showed that there is a clear relationship between trans fats and heart health problems. Although more work needs to be done, what we see is that saturated fats (which are found naturally in red meat, dairy products and certain vegetable oils) may not be as bad for heart health as we thought. However, trans fats, which are often found in processed or fried foods should be limited in the diet.

    The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada suggests that if you eat a “balanced diet you don’t have to worry as much about intake of saturated fat.” The Foundation also issued a statement “advocating for moderation and choosing whole foods instead of processed ones.”

    Another statement recently released by the World Health Organization (WHO) points to processed and red meat consumption as a risk factor for cancer. The WHO media release states: “The experts concluded that each 50 gram portion of processed meat eaten daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%”. While these numbers sound dramatic, food and nutrition experts caution that they need to be taken in context.

    As registered dietitians we closely follow the research, the evidence and the headlines and will elaborate on the key issues in our future programs and newsletters. For now we recommend you consider the big picture of an overall healthy dietary pattern with our top 3 tips below:

    1. Vary your daily protein choices.
    2. Include lean meats, poultry and fish (in smaller amounts) along with plant based meat alternatives such as beans, legumes, nuts and seeds.
    3. Dietitians of Canada recommends limiting processed meat consumption, in part due to the association with cancer risk as well as the high levels of sodium in these meats.

    Health Canada announces proposed changes to the food label and Nutrition Facts table

    On June 12th, Health Canada shared a proposed Nutrition Facts table aimed to improve nutrition information on food labels. As part of the consultation process you are invited to provide comments in writing to Health Canada by August 26, 2015. This is the right time to get involved let your voice be heard! In general, the proposed changes are as follows:

    • Serving sizes will be regulated to make them consistent and reflect what is typically eaten (e.g. a serving of bread will be 2 slices instead of 1 slice)
    • The information about serving sizes and calories will be more prominent
    • Sugars will have a new % Daily Value (%DV) of 100 grams and sugars will be grouped together in the ingredients list
    • The %DV for carbohydrates will be removed
    • A footnote will appear at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table to explain that 5% DV or less is a little and 15% DV or more is a lot
    • Food colours will be identified by their common name in the list of ingredients
    • A new health claim will be allowed, “A healthy diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruit may help reduce the risk of heart disease”
    • Vitamins A and C will be removed from the Nutrition Facts table, and potassium will be added
    • The actual amounts in milligrams (mg) of potassium, calcium and iron will now be shown in addition to their % DV

    Contact us if you would like to discuss the interpretation of the proposed label changes and how they may impact your business. We can also assist with your comments to Health Canada during the consultation phase which ends August 26, 2015.

    Flavour Trends for 2015

    The 15th annual Flavour Forecast report by McCormick Canada is out! Created by a global team of chefs, culinary professionals, trend trackers and food technologists, the Flavour Forecast predicts top flavour trends. Can you guess what the top 8 flavours are for 2015?

    1. Global Blends On the Move – Japanese 7 Spice (Shichimi Togarashi) offers a new kind of spicy heat, while Shawarma Spice Blend lends warm, spiced flavour to grilled meats and more.
    2. Middle Eastern Mezze – These distinctive dips and spreads, packed with zesty herbs and seasonings, offer an approachable and delicious introduction to a vibrant global cuisine.
    3. Sour + Salt – Combining coarse salt with surprising sours like pickled ginger, sour cherry, dried mango and lemon zest results in a lively finishing flavour that lends brightness and texture to dishes.
    4. Smoked Spices – Smoking spices and herbs deepens their flavour and aroma, adding richness to meals and drinks.
    5. Umami Veggies – For a fresh way to savour the tempting “fifth taste,” look no further than naturally umami-rich veggies like mushrooms, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and nori.
    6. Liquid Revolution – Fresh purées and juices blend with bold spices and herbs to intensify sauces, pasta, dressings and more – providing a fun, delicious way to enjoy an extra serving of fruits and veggies.
    7. Flavour Worth the Wait – Lift the lid to discover the rich flavours from recipes around the world that meld aromatic spices and comforting ingredients into mouthwatering slow-cooked meals.
    8. Cookies Reimagined – Classic spiced cookie flavours take new form in decadent, imaginative desserts that redefine “milk and cookies.”


    Delicious Food Show

    Hands down, the highlight of this year’s Delicious Food Show was meeting Celebrity Chef Chuck Hughes! Featuring hundreds of exhibitors, the show was truly a food-lovers’ event. Here are a few cool things we tried!

    Camelina Oil – Extracted from the Camelina sativa oilseed, camelina oil is about 90% unsaturated fat, with 39% omega-3 fat and 18% omega-6 fat. The oil boasts light, nutty and earthy notes. With a high smoke point of 475°F, camelina oil is versatile and can be used in salads, dips, dressings and marinades as well as cooking.

    Nu Pasta – This gluten-free pasta is made from the konjac plant. It’s a type of tuber plant, which grows on slopes about 600 to 12,000 m above sea level. The root of the konjac plant is dried and milled into a fine flour which is the main ingredient of the pasta. A 210 g package contains: 25 calories, 1 g fat, 0 mg sodium, 6 g carbohydrates, o g sugar, 6 g fibre, and 1 g sugar. We sampled it in a stir-fry with garlic and pine nuts, which was a nice way to perk up the flavour.

    Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream – What do you get when you add milk, cream, sugar and -196°C liquid nitrogen? Ice cream, of course! It’s the coolest and coldest way to make ice cream, and it’s all ready in less than 60 seconds. Liquid nitrogen is simply the harmless nitrogen gas which has been cooled to such a low temperature that it becomes a liquid. We happily sampled the Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream – it was delicious!

    Top Trends at Grocery Innovations Canada 2014

    Grocery Innovations Canada is the annual “must attend” event for professionals involved in the retail and food service industry. We were there again this year to see what’s hot and what’s not, as well as to check out new food and beverage innovations.

    Here are the top five trends that jumped out at us.

    1. Clean ingredient list. Consumers are looking for pronounceable ingredients. What is NOT on the label is as important to consumers as what IS printed on the packaging.  More shoppers are asking for ‘natural’ or unprocessed products. We expect to see more of this “ free of ….“ focus in the future.
    2. Ethnic flavours continue to be a strong trend. Food makers anticipate a growth in Asian, Indian and Latin America cuisine.
    3. Supermarket Chef Showdown!  Canadians eat out often and busy shoppers are looking for help with prepared meals. Supermarket chefs showed their talents on how they create delicious and healthy meals to attract food loving grocery shoppers. In the Globe and Mail, Marina Strauss reports on this fast growing grocery-resto or takeout trend calling it the “Grocerant”
    4. Chocolate, Chia and Coconut were notable ingredient trends. New product innovations with chocolate included baked goods, lactose free chocolate milk (Natrel) and chocolate flavoured peanut butter (Kraft).  Chia seeds were introduced in new yogurts (Olympic), cereals and breads. (Chia seeds are similar to flax seed and contain omega-3 fats and boost fibre.) Coconut was featured in whipped cream from Gay Lea Foods, and in Campbell’s Thai Tomato Coconut Soup.
    5. Go Green theme was evident in several sustainable and environmentally friendly innovations. For example “Green” shopping bags are made of material that resists bacterial growth and the Green Lid bins are completely compostable containers made from recyclable cardboard and newsprint.

    5 Key Food Innovation Trends

    The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) 2014 Annual Meeting attracted more than 16,400 food professionals from around the world to learn, exchange ideas and share knowledge. One of the highlights of the meeting was IFT’s five key innovation trends expected to have major impact on the food industry. We’ve added our builds for additional insights and context.

    1. Protein is the next nutrient trend following fat and carbs. Protein helps build and repair body tissues and muscle, and is a component of protective antibodies. Protein also plays a role in satiety. With all these important attributes, the quantity and quality of protein in our foods and beverages matters!
    2. Spices & heat are increasing in popularity. Food makers use a wide range of spices to infuse flavour and enhance consumer appeal. Top spice trend mentions include adobo, anise, cumin, coriander, chili peppers, paprika and turmeric.
    3. Natural colors are sought after ingredients to add vibrancy and appeal without artificial dyes and colours. Examples include a variety of fruit and vegetable extracts that are stable in different food applications and are eye-catching to consumers.
    4. Fats & oils are key food ingredients that add flavour and texture. Choosing healthier fats improves the nutritional profile of foods and results in the creation of tasty and ‘better for you’ options that consumers want.
    5. Clean labels which generally means a food ingredient label that is simple, easily understood or sounds familiar. The consumer’s quest for ‘clean labels’ continues to spark innovations in ingredients and food safety to support product re-formulations that allow for the removal of chemical sounding ingredients.

    USA Restaurant Menu Labelling – What’s up? What’s Next?

    US national menu labelling is expected to come into force this summer. The new regulations aim to ensure calorie labelling on menus and menu boards in chain restaurants, retail food establishments, and vending machines with 20 or more locations.  We recently joined a US National Restaurant Association info session where we heard insights about what to expect next.

    The intent of the menu labelling law is that: “People need nutritional information to exercise personal responsibility at the point of ordering in restaurants.” As such, the following 3 key features are expected on US restaurant menus and menu boards:

    1. The number of calories will be disclosed with the word “Calories’ or ‘Cal’ posted next to number.
    2. The following statement to help put the number of calories into context: “A 2,000 calorie diet is used as the basis for general nutrition advice; however individual needs may vary.”
    3. Additional nutrients (such as fat and sodium) will be available upon request, but not necessarily posted on the menu.

    Mandatory menu labelling is a controversial issue for reasons that include menu variability and questions about long-term impact. However, health and consumer groups welcome the calorie and nutrient information regulations.

    Research shows that seeing calories on the menu impacts immediate purchase decisions and that consumers tend to underestimate the caloric content of menu items, especially those with higher calories.  It’s important to put calorie education in context so it does not become an issue whether the menu item is 400 or 420 calories. Menu labelling is about providing information so that consumers can make an informed choice between something that’s 1200 calories versus 200 calories.

    Will Health Canada follow the US restaurant menu labelling? Only time will tell, and we’ll keep you posted. More information about next steps in menu labelling is available by contacting us.

    Snack Attack

    Canadians are snacking more than ever and their snacking habits will continue to rise in the foreseeable future. According to a recent report by US based Hartman group, 56% of people snacked three or more times a day. This is a significant increase from the 1990’s when only 20% cent of people said they snacked frequently.

    Today’s snacking revolution may be fuelled by changing lifestyles and demographics in which people don’t find the time to make full meals and prefer the simplicity of eating snacks.  US consumer data found that 33% of adults eat an early morning snack, while 55 % have a mid-morning snack that includes portable items such as yogurt, baked goods and snack bars. The most common afternoon snacks were chips and fruit. Canadian kids are also big snackers with the average school aged child eating about 4 snacks a day to fill their hunger gap. Typical lunch box snacks include an apple, mini-carrots, mini-yogurt, snack bar and a treat such as a cookie, according to Canadian Grocer magazine.

    The food industry has taken notice of the snacking trend as is evidenced by the growing number of snack food choices available in grocery stores and restaurants.  Snacks can be a part of your healthy diet if you choose wisely. From a nutrition perspective, the quality and quantity of the snack matters! Consider our top tips for choosing healthy snacks:

    1. Make a snack that includes at least 2 of the 4 food groups in Canada’s Food Guide.
    2. Look for snacks that offer protein and fibre to help you feel full for longer.
    3. Reach for Mother Nature’s fast food – vegetables and fruit! They’re great snack options and generally, vegetables tend to contain less natural sugar than fruit.
    4. Read food labels. Look for snacks that contain 250 calories or less.
    5. Limit the salty and sweet snacks like chips, cookies and candy.

    Tracking Nutrition Trends 2013 – report released (June 2014)

    Established in 1989, Tracking Nutrition Trends (TNT) is the longest standing nutrition study in Canada. The recently released report examines the self-reported knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of adult Canadians with respect to food and nutrition. Also included in the report are key factors that affect consumer food choices.  Here’s a summary of the key findings.

    • Nearly all Canadians say they have done something to improve or change their eating and drinking habits over the past year. The top three improvements/changes are: eating more fruits and vegetables; reducing salt/sodium; and reducing sugar.
    • Only 24% of Canadians follow Canada’s Food Guide.
    • 2/3 of Canadians use supplements. The most popular supplements are vitamin D, multi-vitamins and vitamin C.
    • 63% of Canadians eat breakfast every day (up from 58% in 2008).
    • 97% of Canadians say taste is the most important factor when choosing a food, followed by nutrition and cost.
    • 88% of Canadians say that maintaining good health is a key influence on their food choices.
    • When looking at the nutritional information, the most influential factors of food choices are: source of protein, low in saturated fats, low in salt/sodium, source of fibre, no trans fat, and low in total fat.

    For more detailed report findings, and to discuss relevance to your work please contact us.

    Molecular Gastronomy Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals (CAFP) – January 22, 2014

    What a way to start off the New Year! On January 22, 2014 we attended the Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals’ (CAFP) “Molecular Gastronomy” event hosted by Humber College*.  Chef John Placko demonstrated innovative cuisines where science and culinary arts intersect to create new techniques and dishes including sous vide cooking.

    Sous vide cooking means “under vacuum,” in French. Food is vacuum-sealed in strong plastic bags and cooked in a circulating water bath at low temperatures for a long time to lock in juices and flavour without added fat. For example, after 75 minutes at 60°C, meat was slightly pink but fully cooked, tender and incredibly flavourful. Chef Placko’s unique Australian ingredients took the spotlight and we sampled pepperberry seasoned kangaroo loin cooked sous vide and served with a sweet chili sauce. Yumm!

    You too have probably eaten sous vide cooked foods in restaurants or while travelling on planes or trains and didn’t even know it!  This innovative approach to cooking is used by food service professionals in hospitals, rail and airline companies, and even the military. Sous vide machines are also found in the homes of French cooks, but North American consumers are just starting to show interest as the first home sous-vide machines are expected to come to market. Watch for more innovation in this unique cooking trend.

    (*Congratulations to our colleague Susan Somerville RD, the newly appointed Dean School of Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism at Humber College who hosted the event.)

    State of the Industry 2013

    Hosted by NSF-GFTC, this symposia event featured keynote speaker Amanda Lang, (CBC reporter and author of The Power of Why: how questions and curiosity fuel innovation). Lang defined innovation as when an old idea meets a new idea and something changes. For innovation, Lang urges us to sit at the table with people who think differently than we do (take a cue from her show Lang versus O’Leary), “Different can be irritating, but it’s powerful.” She encouraged us to think with the curiosity of a two-year old, by constantly asking why and why not.

    Dr. Jean-Charles Le Vallée defined food innovation as a continuum from an idea to the production of a new or improved food product. “Competition breeds innovation,” he shares. According to research from The Conference Board of Canada, the top three drivers of food innovation are an aging society, ethnic minorities and rising numbers of dual earners in the household.

    Finally, Carmen Allison noted that 60% of Canadian households are trying to reduce household expenses. According to Nielsen research, buying items only when they are on sale is the number one strategy that consumers use to save money.

    Protein – A Nutrient in Focus – December 3, 2013

    According to research by the Dairy Farmers of Canada, consumers are most concerned about getting enough vitamins and protein. Dr. Rajavel Elango, Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia noted that current protein intake recommendations are inadequate. In fact, optimal protein and amino acid intakes could have health benefits.

    Dr. Douglas Paddon-Jones concurred, stating that adequate protein intake has the potential to maintain healthy muscle and prevent age related sarcopenia (muscle loss). A threshold of 30 grams of protein represents an promising strategy for adults wishing to maintain muscle mass while control their body fat.

    As educators and food innovators, let’s look for opportunities to help consumers reach their ideal protein intake for optimal health.

    Advances in Carbohydrates and Fibre in Nutrition Conference, Canadian Nutrient Society (CNS) – January 11, 2014

    On January 11th, 2014 we attended the one-day CNS conference on Advances in Carbohydrates and Fibre in Nutrition at the Hyatt Regency in Toronto. The event drew over 250 attendees including nutrition professionals, dietitians and students with expert updates on functional fibres, claims in Canada and Glycemic Index of foods.

    Dr. Joanne Slavin presented the growing importance of fibre’s beneficial role in health related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, body weight and satiety, digestive health including microbiota. Fibre is a nutrient of concern because few people consume the recommended daily amounts. As you may know, Health Canada has a New Fibre Policy as of 2012.  The important news on fibre is that there are many fibres with known beneficial health effects, but they are not all equally effective, and may act differently when isolated from intact plant structure. The debate on the way to communicate information about Glycemic Index (GI) continues in Canada. Dr. William Yan discussed Health Canada’s published position on the use of the GI claims on food labels as published in the 2013 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The important concept reinforced by the world renowned speakers Drs. David Jenkins and Thomas Wolever was that GI is an easily misunderstood concept. GI is a measure of carbohydrate quality in a food, and is not an index for glycemic/insulin response in a person. Furthermore glycemic/insulin response in people is determined by the glycemic index of the food and the amount of food eaten. Thus a lower GI food could have a higher glycemic response depending on how much of the food is consumed. It’s certainly a complex topic! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about carbohydrate nutrition including fibre and glycemic index.

    Top Trends for 2014

    From protein and probiotics to tea and cooking, we’ve got the scoop on the top 10 hottest trends for 2014.

    1. Protein Power – New science is underscoring the beneficial effect of dietary protein on weight management and muscle health. For example, eating a high protein breakfast not only leads to increased feeling of fullness but also reduces evening snacking. Also, a protein source at each meal and snack helps to maintain energy and muscle strength especially after exercise and as we age. In light of this, current protein recommendations may be under review with respect to the amount and distribution of dietary protein, including considerations for meal based rather than specific daily recommendations.
    2. Anti-wheat Sentiment – Although scientific evidence is lacking for wheat – or gluten-elimination diets for weight loss or health (unless it is associated with a clinical disorder or disease) consumers will continue to seek this popular diet. According to an NDP survey 28% of adults claimed to be cutting down or avoiding gluten completely.
    3. Supermarket Savvy – Supermarket Dietitians are increasingly visible at grocery stores which is an exciting trend for consumers. Registered Dietitians are the food and nutrition experts who are uniquely positioned to assist Canadians to shop smarter, cook healthier, and make healthier food choices. Some experts predict that supermarkets could become a new form of the culinary centre. Many stores already offer cooking demos or “community cooking centers” that allow shoppers to come together and learn from one another.
    4. Back to Basics with Cooking – The 2014 Nutrition Month Campaign – Simply Cook and Enjoy! – is dedicated to serving up practical advice on cooking and food skills from dietitians, the food and nutrition experts. Health Canada’s Healthy Eating Awareness and Education Initiative for 2014 concentrates on Healthy Eating and Healthy weights by focusing on food skills, portion sizes and calories. Industry experts say that a deeper understanding of how Canadians prepare and consume meals helps manufacturers and retailers provide mealtime solutions in the kitchen.
    5. Pro Biotic Power & Fermented Foods – Studies suggest that probiotics (live bacteria in food) may help lessen diarrhea, improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Consumers may be interested in foods other than yogurt that contain probiotics such as fermented foods like kefir milk, sauerkraut and kimchi. Also watch for more news on the gut – brain connection.
    6. Sugar & Sugar Substitutes – Media and consumers are intent on added sugar as another food trend. An IFIC survey reported that 58% of Americans are trying to limit or avoid sugar. Helping consumers understand the role of naturally occurring sugar, added sugar and sugar substitutes is important so they can make informed food and nutrition choices.
    7. Local & Eco-conscious – Sustainable food systems, local and eco-friendly foods are important to many Canadians who believe that a sustainable eating pattern contributes to their own health as well as the health of the planet. Food researchers say roughly one-third of food produced for humans around the globe is lost or wasted each year – 1.3 billion tons of it. Increased awareness of this problem is expected in 2014 with home and restaurant food preparers attempting to reduce food waste. Look for ways to promote sustainability in the kitchen, understand the issues of organics, local food systems, food choices, and carbon footprint.
    8. Government & Industry Compliance – Canada’s regulatory landscape continues to evolve and as a result industry’s relationship with regulators is also changing. Health Canada recognizes that a safe food supply is a major contributing factor to the health of Canadians. Food industry is also committed to providing safe food and wants to make sure consumers are happy with their products and continue to purchase them. Maintaining healthy and happy consumers is a challenge government and industry must face by working together.
    9. Tea is Hot – Canadian Tea consumption is expected to rise by 40%. Flavoured teas are catching on too. Expect to hear more about the health benefits of tea flavonoids related to heart health, brain health and weight management. Furthermore, tea is not just for sipping anymore, this natural ingredient is making its way into rubs, broths and marinades.
    10. The Age of (Mis)information & Social Media – Consumers continue to have an appetite for food and nutrition information which will only grow in 2014. Bloggers will continue to write about nutrition and health, there will be more and better food photography – watch for it on Pintrest and Instagram. With the boom of social media and the interest in health and nutrition, Canadians will continue to need advice from food and nutrition experts like dietitians to cut through the clutter.

    Canadian Digestive Health – November 5, 2013

    We attended the annual Canadian Digestive Health Foundation Summit for health professionals to get the latest updates on this exiting area of research. There is so much to learn about the human microbiome which is the collection of microbes – bacteria, viruses, and single-cell eukaryotes – that inhabits the human body. Did you know that microbes in your body outnumber your human cells by a ratio of ten to one? Research is mounting on this newly recognized inner body ecosystem of microorganisms that appear to impact much more than just your digestive tract.

    Bacteria establish themselves in the body early in life and once they’ve ‘moved in’ they tend to stay for the duration of a person’s life. You may wonder what these 8 million microbial genes are doing in our body. In a fascinating overview we heard researchers describe the diversity of microbial communities which inhabit the human gut and the unique ways in which they interact with our body and other bacteria. For example, our microbiomes have a role in energy metabolism, including fat, carbohydrate and protein breakdown. Bacteria influence gut health, help protect you from food-borne illnesses and play an important role in immune function. An exciting area of research is understanding the differing composition of gut bacteria in obese vs lean people and how microbes influence how much energy we burn and how much fat we store. Not only is a healthy and diverse bacterial flora linked to good gut health but now researchers are starting to understand the gut – brain interaction as well.??Keeping your gut flora healthy with a diverse ‘friendly ‘ bacteria may help keep out disease-causing microbes and make you less susceptible to gastrointestinal infections and bowel ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Watch for more news on this topic as scientists work to understand the role or probiotics in the prevention and treatment of human diseases.

    In the meantime, consider our top tips for optimizing your gut flora:

    • Choose foods that contain probiotics (live friendly bacteria) such as fermented dairy (yogurt, kefir) and fermented vegetables.
    • Include prebiotics that are a source of fibre such as whole grains, fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes.
    • Practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.

    Grocery Innovations Show 2013

    We’re always on the lookout for nutrition trends and new products. From water, protein tea and baobab fruit smoothies to enriched flours and ethnic snacks, here are a few highlights we noticed from this year’s Grocery Innovations show.

    Water. With an increasing trend on healthy hydration, a couple of Canadian products caught our eye. Seva Maple Water, a slightly sweet tasting water is sourced from Quebec’s sugar maple trees. One cup (250 mL) contains 25 calories, 30 mg sodium and 5 g sugar. Happy Water, awarded among this year’s top ten innovative products, is a blend of natural spring water and mineral waters from British Columbia. In a two-cup (500 mL) serving, the water offers 0 calories, 15 mg sodium and 0.1 ppm of lithium, an element that is often used in medicines to treat mood disorders.

    Bluedot Protein Tea. We’ve been forecasting and watching the protein trend for years now. Combined with a rising interest in beverage innovations, these green and white teas feature whey protein isolate and inulin (a prebiotic fibre). Each flavour offers 12 g protein and 6 g fibre per 473 mL serving. The calories range from 60 to 140, depending on whether the drink is sweetened with stevia or cane sugar.

    Baobab Smoothies. Touted as the new superfruit, baobab (pronounced “BEY-oh-bab”) is filled with antioxidants and vitamin C. It’s an African fruit that tastes like a blend of pineapple and melon, and was approved for European markets last year.  These smoothies are made with the Baobab fruit pulp and range from 140-160 calories with 6 grams fibre and 22 grams of sugar per 300 mL bottle.

    Robin Hood Nutri Flour Blend – Omega-3 and Fibre. “Baking is back,” says Stephen Kouri, VP Sales & Trade Marketing at Smuckers Foods of Canada Ltd. The company’s Nutri Flour blend includes a gluten-free offering as well as a new omega-3 and fibre blend (it’s made with whole wheat flour and flax seeds). We just think there’s definitely something comforting and relaxing about home baking, not to mention the satisfaction in posting your delectable creations on Instagram or Pinterest.

    Masala Munch. Kurkure showcased their Masala Munch, a flavourful crunchy cheeto-like snack made with enriched cornmeal and chickpea meal. The snack is quite popular in India. A serving of 50 pieces packs in 300 calories and 19 g of fat though.