In May 2016, Health Canada announced three new health claims:
1. EPA & DHA and blood Triglyceride Lowering
2. & 3. Polysaccharide Complex (Glucomannan, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Alginate) and Blood Cholesterol Lowering and Reduction of the Post-Prandial Blood Glucose Response
Foods containing the healthy fats EPA and DHA (0.5 g combined) may now carry a new health claim stating their potential triglyceride-lowering benefits. For example, a permitted claim might read, “85 g (1/2 cup) of canned pink salmon supplies 40% of the daily amount of omega-3 EPA and DHA shown to help lower triglycerides.”
Aside from that primary statement, appropriate products can also carry the additional statement “EPA and DHA help reduce/lower triglycerides,” Read the detailed info here.
The food ingredient that is the subject of two new health claims is a soluble and viscous dietary fibre (polysaccharide complex of glucomannan, xanthan gum, sodium alginate) sold under the brand name PGX® (PolyGlycopleX®). Researchers studied the carbohydrate quality of foods with PGX using the glycemic response, glycemic index. The benefits of added fibre in the form of PGX helped help lower blood cholesterol and moderate the blood sugar rise after a meal. Sample claim: “The consumption of the 5 g of PGX® provided with 1 cup (30 g) of cereal helps reduce blood glucose rise after a meal containing carbohydrates.”
The summary of assessment is available online.
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