Thank you for registering for The New Canada’s Food Guide webinar on April 16th! Please provide payment by PAYPAL, or e-transfer or cheque. Receipts will be issued.
PayPal payment option:
Individual registration: $99 + HST = $111.87
Corporate team registration: $250 + HST = $282.50*
(* Flat fee for up to 3 team members to watch the webinar together)
E-transfer payment option:
Please e-transfer $111.87 (individual registration) OR $282.50 (corporate team registration) to: and use the password: n4nnFoodGuide
Cheque payment option:
Please make $111.87 (individual registration) OR $282.50 (corporate registration) payable to:
Weiler Nutrition Communications Inc.
Re: Nutrition for NON-Nutritionists webinar
Mail to: 260 Glenview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1R3
You will receive a confirmation email with your unique webinar link after we have received your payment. The webinar link is associated with your email and cannot be shared with others.
For corporate team registrations, only the webinar registrant can access the unique webinar log in link. Other team members may join the registrant and watch the webinar together.
**Cancellation Policy: Requests for cancellation must be received in writing to by March 31. Each registration cancellation is subject to a $50 administrative fee. No refunds after March 31. Webinar registrations are unique to your email and are non-transferable.