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Nutritional genomics – a path to personalized nutrition

Researchers from the University of Toronto presented ground-breaking news on genetic testing services at the annual Dietitians of Canada Conference in June 2012. Nutrigenomix offers an easy to use, powerful technology based on gene analysis that dietitians can use to counsel individuals according to their DNA.

Small variations in certain genes could have a significant effect on the way the body responds to the foods or nutrients we consume. A familiar example may be lactose intolerance. Another genetic marker identifies how the body breaks down caffeine, which could also have health implications. Tests are specific for seven genes that affect response to Vitamin C, folate, whole grains, omega-3 fat, saturated fat, sodium and caffeine. Based on a personalized nutrition assessment dietitians can counsel clients on how to eat according to their genes. Researchers also found that DNA based personalized nutrition advice is more motivating to people than population advice.

Implications to your business

This could be a game changer in nutrition counselling, creating an avenue for DNA based personalized nutrition advice. For more information visit