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Let your voice be heard! Help shape Canada’s new food labels

Health Canada recently announced proposed new changes to the Nutrition Facts table and ingredients lists with the goal of improving nutrition information on food labels. We encourage you to you consider the proposed changes and voice your opinion to Health Canada through their 10 question on-online survey and/or technical consultation before September 11th, 2014.

Some of the key proposed changes include:

  • listing Calories in a bigger and bold font
  • using consistent serving sizes on similar foods
  • increasing the Daily Value for fat and calcium, and decreasing the Daily Value for sodium
  • removing the % Daily Value for fibre and total carbohydrates
  • adding information about added sugars by including a % Daily Value for sugars as well as showing the amount of added sugars in the product
  • removing vitamins A and C, but adding potassium and vitamin D to the label
  • grouping nutrients that we should limit (fat, sodium and sugar) at the top half of the label
  • grouping nutrients that we need to get enough of (fibre, vitamins, minerals) at the bottom half of the label.

The consultation period is now open, and all consumers and stakeholders are invited to provide input on the proposed changes. We strongly urge you to let your voice be heard and share your feedback in shaping this important national nutrition labelling regulation.

Health Canada has developed three consumer fact sheets about Ÿ Serving Sizes, ŸNutrition Facts table and Ingredient List and  Sugar Content.  Consumers can provide their feedback through a 10 question online survey.

For food and health professionals, there is also a series of five technical consultation documents which explain the rationale for the proposed changes: Ÿ Format Requirements, ŸCore Nutrients, ŸDaily Values (%DV), ŸReference Amounts and Ÿ Serving Sizes. You are also invited to provide feedback to each of these consultation documents.

All comments must be submitted to Health Canada by September 11, 2015. Please contact us for assistance in reviewing the proposed changes, providing feedback to the consultation, and discussing how these changes may impact your products’ nutrition claims.