Researchers at the University of Guelph have found a way to develop a healthy chocolate. The secret ingredient? DAGs! DAGs are short for special fats called diglycerides. Compared to triglycerides (TAGs) which have three fatty acid “arms’ in its structure, DAGs only have two fatty acid “arms.” DAGs make up around 10% of the fats found in vegetable oils and are metabolized differently than TAGs. Scientists found that components of DAGs are not stored in fat cells but are used as energy instead. This means that DAGs help burn fat. Also, since DAGs are smaller compounds, when moving in the blood stream they won’t clog the arteries and veins in the same way as the larger TAGs. Many products have been developed in an attempt to improve the fat quality or reduce the fat quantity, and DAG’s are an exciting new ingredient to keep an eye on especially when it comes to melt-in-your-mouth chocolate.
Implications for your business: Fats play an important role in food, so choosing the best type and amount can add taste, health and nutrition to your product.